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【学术报告】Structure and Sooting Characteristics of Laminar Inverse Diffusion Flames

撰稿:责任编辑:许娟摄影:审核: 日期:2023-07-25 阅读:

报告人 报告时间
报告形式 线上会议平台
摄影 审核

报 告 人:刘凤山 研究员

报告时间:2023 7 28 1530

报告地点:直播性爱 会议室(计算机楼 A229



刘凤山博士为加拿大国立研究院高级研究员,国际燃烧学会会士,国际燃烧学会加拿大分会理事会成员,加拿大多伦多大学航空研究所客座教授,多次参与加拿大自然资源部资助的研究课题,多次被法国大学及智利大学邀请为访问教授。担任Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer副主编、中国国家留学基金委优秀海外留学博士生导师。目前参与专著1部,发表期刊论文近210篇,H-因子64, 被引用超过12000次。主要致力于辐射传输、碳烟模拟及光学检测、及纳米颗粒的光学特性方面的研究。


Inverse diffusion flames (IDFs) have been used in the promising autothermal reforming (ATR) method for hydrogen production from natural gas. However, soot formation in ATR is a main concern since it gives rise to catalyst degradation. IDFs display distinct differences in sooting characteristics from normal diffusion flames (NDFs) and have been the subject of several recent numerical and experimental studies. This talk focuses on the flame structure and sooting characteristics of IDFs as revealed from numerical simulation using detailed reaction mechanism and soot model. The simulated flames include ethylene IDFs at atmospheric pressure and CO2-diluted CH4 IDFs at elevated pressures. The differences in relative importance of inception, surface growth, and oxidation and the pressure effect on soot formation between NDFs and IDFs are highlighted.